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2 years agoDevelopment team (those who have benefit the game so far) ~ Owner : BrokenSolidGear2 (ALegacyTime is formal owner , because Broken's account , hat holds the game got termed.) Head Developer : ALegacyTime that's all :p , cause others are retired or were hired to others games. In-game commands: !trade [plr name] -send trade !accept [plr name] -accept trade !decline [plr name] -decline trade !giveitem [plr name] - give item to player (item need to be hold in hand) !check [plr name] -check player's stand This game is not compatible with Console or Mobile devices. A PC is required to play. "A Bizarre Day" is owned by TORNADO98765. Most assets are from A Bizarre Day. The game is not earning any sort of payout from ROBLOX or users. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is owned by Hirohiko Araki. Most voicelines are from Eyes of Heaven, All Star Battle and Heritage for the Future. Group:!/about
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